Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Unexpected Experiences

We went to the post Sunday night to see the Bourne Ultimatum (excellent movie!). The theater was interesting. The screen was not that big but the place looked like it could have been there since the 40's. There was a ton of seating and it was the older auditorium style. Anyway, we found a good spot and settled in. When they dimmed the lights and the screen came to life, I was expecting the usual 30 minutes worth of commercials/previews that we've come to know and love as a part of today's movie going experience. I was caught off guard when everyone in the room stood up with their hand over their heart and the national anthem began to play. I fumbled to my feet in time to not look completely foolish. I have to say that of all the baseball games and Independence Day celebrations where I've stood for the national anthem, this was one of the more rewarding. I was surrounded by people that are actively serving our country and it was truly humbling.

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