Monday, November 23, 2009

Finishing up Croatia

I realize the last time I posted anything here (long long ago), I was in the middle of our Croatia trip, which I naively thought I would break up into a series of little mini posts (since the less time it takes me, the more likely I am to actually DO it). That obviously didn't go as planned. So, I'll try to wrap up Croatia in a pretty little bow and get us all caught up to the present day over the course of the next week.
We had a great time in Croatia. We stayed in the town of Hvar on the island of Hvar. It's an enjoyable town, hotter than heck, but enjoyable still. Why we decided to spend two weeks in Texas in the peak of summer and then turn around and vacation in a place just as sultry, when we had perfectly good 75 degree weather back in our beloved Deutschland, I will surely never know. That was definitely a note-to-self for future reference.
I think I wrote about Milna and Brac. The town of Hvar is very different from both in that it seems to be a very see and be seen atmosphere. Lots of yacht-ownin' pretty people (yes, if you're wondering, we blended right in). We ate LOADS of fresh seafood. We sailed. We sunned. We wandered the streets of town (after dark, when the sun wasn't beating down on us like a giant ball of fire).

We witnessed an impromptu fish market. We were having lunch one day in Stari Grad, when a small-ish boat pulled up with a couple of fishermen. They threw some tarp on the ground and started unloading buckets and buckets o'fish. They called the local ice truck to come down, dump a few gallons of ice on top and wait for the townspeople to arrive. As we sat there, the majority of the fish was sold (much of it to the local restaurants that now had their evening specials in hand). Fascinating.
We visited the local castle. Because a trip of ours is never complete without exploring a castle.
On our drive home, we added a spontaneous overnight stay in Werfen, Austria. We had seen it on the way down and, decided we must stop in this lovely little town and explore its impressive castle on the hill. We were so glad we added this stop. Super cute town. Impressive castle. AND - bird show! We happened on to a super cool falconry show complete with, well, falcons - and vultures and an owl and eagles (one of which was bald). There's nothing like a good bird show in the middle of the Austrian Alps. And we got some good, stick to your ribs, Austrian food to help offset all that healthy Mediterranean style seafood we'd been eating all week.

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