Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Sunday we went to Heidelburg for my first castle tour. After climbing about a billion stairs - (why they had to build those things way up in the hills is beyond me!) - we reached the front entrance. I wish I could post photos - which I promise to do eventually - because I'm not sure I can do it justice. I was definitely impressed. For one thing, it was huge - and so intricate - and the views from the grounds out over the city were beautiful. So, here's a little trivia question. As we walked the grounds, we came up on a bust of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe simply noting that he liked to hang out here back in the day. Steve and I both knew the name and knew we should know who this guy was, but couldn't for the life of us think of why. So I would be curious if any of you know him off the top of your head. When I came home and looked him up I wasn't quite as embarrassed as I thought I would be. :)

We have tickets Saturday night for a dinner cruise on the Neckar river for the castle illumination. It's supposed to be pretty cool. I'm glad I got to see it up close beforehand.

On another note, our couch is scheduled to be delivered on Friday. I can't tell you how we both long for Friday. We have actually found ourselves daydreaming about our couch - how we'll sit on it and read, or sit on it and look out the window, or sit on it and eat (since we won't have a dining table for another couple of weeks). Steve asked me last night if we had any plans for Friday night - I told him we were going to sit on our new couch. And was sort of serious. I don't think you realize how essential the "essentials" can be until you are living without them!


Janet said...

Hello from the Wheelers! We enjoyed reading your blog so far...can't wait till we can come visit!

The Binkley Family said...

We have been out of town up until recently, so I just got caught up. I am glad you guys are settling in. Can't wait to see the pics. It is really interesting to hear about your transition. Miss you guys!

Sarah said...

that castle illumination looks amazing, what a cool thing to go see!